Thursday, March 02, 2006

Speaking Up

So much of life is about making choices between doing what you need to do to make things better, and keeping other people happy and treating you nicely. This has relevance to the entry from a couple days ago, too, I think - re speaking up about cruelty. Actually it's relevant to any activism and, broadly speaking, any social situation. Why is it that doing the right thing is so seldom met with social rewards?

1 comment:

Erin said...

Hey Kate,

Oh, maybe I should have said it then. It just felt scary to me - in my family we all love each other but we never say it out loud. So then the one time you do say it, it carries so much extra significance. It felt like I would be telling him he might not come back.

Well. I do know that he arrived safely - yay - and next time I talk to him on the phone, I will tell him that I love him. :)

London at the time of the bombings must have been scary. I visited the British Embassy and the front steps were covered in flowers that people had left. I got tears in my eyes looking at all the notes, candles, flowers, and signs that people had made.