Friday, March 10, 2006


The weather's too nice for me to feel sad for long. I ate lunch outside in the park today and saw, within a short period of time, the following interesting people:

- A woman wearing a weird knee-length skirt/pants thing - like capri pants, but wide; like a skirt, but split into trousers. A hard look to pull off. She had paired it with knee-high leather boots.
- A pair of businessmen walking slowly together, both in blue shirts and black pants, looking like confident alpha males as they patrolled their domain.
- A girl confiding to her friend, "She got a big-ass stomach."
- A woman wearing a professional-looking suit and sporting a severe mullet: short, curly gray hair all over her head, then about two-thirds of the way down, long straight gray hair cascading down her back. Yikes.
- Two harassed-looking teachers trying to get a bunch of six-year-olds to play kickball. At one point, one of the teachers was getting them to raise their hands in the order that they were going to kick, and clearly forgot one of the kids' names: "So Ashley's next, who's after Ashley? Blake, okay, who's after Blake? Umm... you, who's after you?"
- A couple of lovers walking hand-in-hand, not talking, just looking at each other and smiling.

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