Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Hot Air on a Cold Day

I went to lunch with a blow-hard. I'm not sure if I made that term up, or if it's in common use - anyway, I mean a person who dominates the whole conversation. Blow-hards always seem to have an agenda for what they want to talk about, and (sometimes very entertaining, but ultimately scripted) rants about specific issues. The challenge for me is trying to insert enough of my perspective in during a rant that it might actually get incorporated into the script and I'll recognize it next time it comes around - "Ooh! That's mine! that bit right there.."

Another friend of mine was there and she knows what he's like, so she was taking him in stride, but I felt sorry for her husband, who seemed a bit overwhelmed. He didn't get a chance to say anything the entire meal.

I know this is the nth rant about people who talk too much. I'll try to cut back on talking so much about people who talk. It just really irritates me. It's clear to me that I don't have any telepathic powers, because if I did, they would surely be getting my mind-blasts: "Stop. Stop talking. Let me go. I want to leave." etc.

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