Friday, March 24, 2006

Indecent Exposure

I just took my clothes off for a total stranger, and let him look at me and touch me all over. And I even paid him to do it.

This blatant exhibitionism was triggered by a friend's cancer scare - she was urging everyone she knew to get screened at a dermatologist. So I made an appointment, not really thinking about what screening would entail. I got a better sense of what was coming when the nurse asked me to disrobe and put on one of those paper gowns. Then the doctor came in. He was young and handsome, which ironically helped - made me feel less like what was happening was perverted. He asked me to take my robe off and I stood there stark naked in front of a full-length mirror, while he looked me over. We had a brief conversation about some freckles on my ass, with him staring at them from a distance of about a foot and me looking at them in the mirror. He was kind enough not to mention the hearts with arrows through them which my fiance had drawn all over my hip, and which I had forgotten to wash off. Then he removed a mole on my back that I've had since childhood. It was very quick - I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye.

Afterwards, when I was dressing, I was sort of stunned by my lack of embarrassment. I felt like the encounter should have shaken me up a little more than it did. Either his superb professionalism put me at ease, or I really am a shameless exhibitionist, or I am finally getting to the point where I'm just not embarrassed about any part of my body. It's about time.

1 comment:

Sven said...

Hello. I fell into your blog through a Rabbit Hole in Meg's blog.

"Either his superb professionalism put me at ease, or I really am a shameless exhibitionist, or I am finally getting to the point where I'm just not embarrassed about any part of my body."

Perhaps it's all three.

Someday, when we know each other better, I'll tell a similar story about my vasectomy.

Thanks for letting me visit.