Friday, March 17, 2006

Sharing the News

I finally told people at work that I'm getting married. I don't know why I've been weird about telling people. From the start, I had a hard time sharing the news, because it seemed too much like boasting. I always used to hate it when I was single and girls went around talking nonstop about their boyfriends. Once, a girl I knew who was married chipped into a conversation about bad dates with, "I'm soo glad I'm married and I don't have to go on dates any more!" The rest of us just felt like crap when we heard that. Like we didn't want to be married, too - or weren't trying our hardest to meet someone so we could stop going on bad dates.

Anyway, I'm sensitive enough to it that it still rubs me the wrong way when I hear people going seemingly out of their way to mention their relationships, and it's still hard for me to say the words "my boyfriend" or "my fiance."

I also had the sense that people at work wouldn't be particularly happy for me, because most of them aren't in relationships. Maybe that was unfair of me to assume that. Anyway, I finally had to say something because I need to ask for time off for the honeymoon. They were very happy and excited for me, and even told me I should feel more free to celebrate these things.

I'll probably be just as weird about it when/if I get pregnant - put off saying anything until I look like I have a beach ball under my shirt.

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