Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Yesterday on the way home on the bus, we were stopped in traffic when I saw a dragonfly dancing above a car next to us. The car was a shiny dark blue-black color, and the dragonfly must have thought it was a pond, because he circled it repeatedly and tried to land, then finally flitted off. Then I noticed the girl sitting in front of me turn to her friend and point out the car. I couldn't hear what she said, but when her hand described the exact arcs of the dragonfly, I realized she must be telling him what we had both just seen. I love it when there are those moments of shared perception. It was like one time when I was driving and there was a magnificent rainbow over the highway, and a woman called in to the local radio station to say that she was on this particular highway and anyone in the area should go look at the rainbow. I felt like all of us in our separate cars were united by witnessing this same glorious sight.

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