Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Wavering Resolve

I'm doing a terrible job of keeping my New Year's resolutions. They were:
1. Learn Spanish
2. Learn calculus
3. Find some kind of exercise to replace running
4. Don't buy any junk food

So far I have
1. Maintained a Spanish textbook in pristine, unopened condition on the bookshelf for three months until my coworker, from whom I had borrowed it, asked for it back.
2. Opened a calculus textbook exactly twice. Did all the homework for chapter one (graphs!) and half the homework for chapter 2 (functions!). Am now using the book to keep the Spanish textbook's spot warm.
3. Been running, haphazardly.
4. Been surviving nicely on the large stores of junk food that I socked away at the end of last year. The only thing I ran out of was potato chips, midway through January. Ahh! Then, last week, they were on sale and I bought two bags. I have not opened them. Perhaps it's OK if I just don't eat them. Honestly, how can I be expected to resist half-price chips?

1 comment:

Panacea said...

ha, new year's resolutions. I'll never understand why I myself try and make them each year and never keep them.

Calculus is the worst kind of resolution one can make! I've been trying to learn it for the last three years now, and all I can do is just happily differentiate every function I see.