Friday, October 21, 2005

Fresh Beets Are Tasty

Yesterday there was a fiasco in the kitchen involving beets, tupperware, and guinea pigs. In short, the simple task I had set for myself was to prepare a dinner consisting of heated-up pasta/sauce leftovers, veggie burgers, and steamed vegetables. However, the excited squeaking of the guinea pigs in response to hearing the vegetable drawer opened, which rose to an even shriller pitch when they heard tupperware being opened (I keep veggie scraps for them in a tupperware container) caused me to become so distracted that the knife I was using to slice up the beets skidded, and beet juice went flying everywhere. By the time I got the beets into the pot, I had sprayed the wall, countertop, and stovetop with beet juice. Also myself - fortunately I had planned ahead and was wearing my beet-colored top. It looked like I had slaughtered a chicken in the kitchen. Tragically, I then proceeded to burn the beets by adding too little water, turning the gas up to high, and going to talk on the phone. I had to cut the burned edges off each piece of beet. They were still good!

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