Monday, September 25, 2006


Kids dressed up as miniature grown-ups make me feel uneasy in a way I can't explain. The other day I saw a huge poster filling the window of babyGap, showing a four-year-old in a little three-piece suit and tie, and another kid wearing a corporate-looking sweater over a collared shirt. Both had angelic expressions on. It made me want to say, "Auhhhh!" and run away.

I think kids should wear tee-shirts that get popsicle stains on them, jeans with holes in the knees from crawling around on the floor with the dog, clothes from thrift stores that they're going to grow out of in a few months anyway, and they should not care what they're wearing. For special occasions, they should wear something clean. Giving them miniature adult outfits is like apologizing for them being kids: "I know, he is short, but look, he is just a miniature corporate accounts executive like everyone else! Just wait a few more years and he will actually be human!"

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