Friday, September 01, 2006

Happy Friday

If I don't do a 'happy' post soon, no one will read this any more. I have some thoughts about frogs that I want to record, but it's depressing so I'll save that for a few days down the road.

So, here are three things I'm happy about:
- I don't work in a meat-packing plant (the most dangerous job in America according to Fast Food Nation).
- Monday is a holiday.
- Family and home life, which is sooo much more important to me than a career, is good and solid and brings me genuine happiness.

And now here's my latest favorite joke:
Three guys are driving through the Sahara Desert when their car breaks down. They're a million miles from anywhere. They get out and start walking. The first guy takes a bottle of water with him, the second guy takes an umbrella, and the third guy rips off the door of the car and takes that with him.

As they hike across the endless sand dunes, they see a figure approaching. It's a mysterious bearded man in robes. He says, "In my search for wisdom, I would like to ask you each a question."

He asks the first guy, "Why did you choose to bring that bottle of water?" The first guy says, "Well, it's a desert, so I thought I might get thirsty." The man nods and says, "Ah, very wise."

He turns to the second guy and asks, "Why did you bring that umbrella?" The second guy says, "Well, I thought I might want some shade." The man nods and says, "Very wise."

Then he asks the third guy, "Why did you choose to bring that car door?" The third guy says, "Well, I figured if I got too hot, I could just roll down the window."

Ha ha ha! But wait, there's more:

The mysterious figure then reveals himself to be a genie. "Since you have answered my questions, I will grant each of you a wish," he says.

The first guy says, "I wish I was back home with my family!" The genie bows and says "You have your wish," and the guy vanishes in a clap of thunder.

The second guy says, "Boy, I wish I was someplace cool, like skiing down the mountainside at Vail!" The genie bows and says, "You have your wish," and the guy vanishes in a clap of thunder.

Then the genie turns to the third guy and says, "And what is your wish?" The guy says, "...I just want my friends back."

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