Thursday, January 05, 2006

Feeling Antisocial

Today I'm feeling aggressive about wanting my privacy. It used to make me feel good that the security guard and my Spanish amigo were my friends and always wanted to talk to me. But after I got sucked into a few interminably long conversations with the guard (despite saying "I have to go" and edging away - he just talks right over me), I started wanting to avoid him, even wishing I could sneak in the building through a different entrance.

Sometimes my amigo will spend half an hour or an hour talking to me too. Knowing this, I've started darting out of the office early, before he starts his shift (then the following time he always wants to know where I was). The language lessons are progressing slowly - I'm just not getting it. I run out of things to say and I get tired of constantly saying, "No comprendo" and laughing. Yesterday he told me I was una amiga hermosa, amable y bonita, and he called me his preciosa. They're compliments I don't deserve, and I know he doesn't have a lot of people in his life so maybe I am doing a good thing by being his friend. But I don't want the responsibility of looking out for him emotionally. I just want to be able to say hola or wave when I see him doing his rounds, and leave it at that. In the mornings or evenings, I just want to say hi to the guard and keep walking, and not have to talk about my weekend or hear about his family. I feel mean writing this. I am supposed to be nice and friendly and open-minded to everyone. It's elitist to limit my friendships.

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