Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Unicorns, Knights, and Damsels

Recently I watched The Last Unicorn, a great animated film I remember from my childhood. Every time we went to the video store, I would beg my parents to pick that one. It was still good - especially the scene where she runs through the seasons, and the dramatic ending with the red bull and the unicorns boiling up out of the sea foam. Very dated though, and a lot of the middle story seemed flat. It's hard to imagine how it could have captivated me so much as a kid that I would want to watch it back-to-back.

Anyway I looked up the actress who did the unicorn's voice, which is really high and shrill. It was Mia Farrow. I was walking down the street (doing my November Resolution lunchtime walk!) when I got an image of 40-something Mia whinnying into the mike at the studio, "Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh! I am a unicorn!" and it struck me as so funny that I started laughing out loud. I had tears in my eyes by the time I controlled myself. People must have thought I was a nut.

On an unrelated note, Rufus Wainwright is awesome. I'm so glad I got introduced to his music. I would like to live my whole life with the kind of racing joy I feel when I hear "Beautiful Child."

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