Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Speaking of Victorian Parlor Games

Here's a good one we made up last night. My dad was flipping through channels on TV when I said, "Want to play a game?" He said, "I like toothy Donald Sutherland," in reference to a TV show. My mom laughed and said, "How do you play that?" I said, "You have to make up another sentence with the same first initials for each letter." My dad turned the TV off (yay!) and we spent the next half hour composing brilliant sentences and laughing at each others' genius. It was so much fun. We must have come up with dozens - these are the only ones I can remember now.

I like toothy Donald Sutherland.
Ingots lightly tumble down slopes.
It's, like, T-D-S. (tedious)
Iceland lava touches drifted snow.
If ladies trip, don't smile.
Intelligent lonely teens date seldom.
It's love! The dog sits.
Impatience likely takes down soothsayers.
I laughed, then danced samba.
Indolently lolling tea drinkers slurp.

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