Thursday, December 22, 2005

Strange But True

In order to mop up a spill on the kitchen counter, you have to first get the sponge wet. You'd think it would soak stuff up best when it was super dry. But that is not the case.

Another kitchen tip is that you should not mix mac 'n' cheese in a colander. Cause you can't soak it.

This is unrelated, but I like blogging and email because you can disengage from the conversation any time you like. In real life I don't have that power in my conversations. I feel like I spend a lot of time helplessly trapped while a) coworkers give me stuff and spend time talking to me about it even though it's patently obvious to me what to do and I just want them to leave me alone so I can get to work b) random people tell me their life stories and just keep talking even though I haven't said anything except "wrapping it up" comments for the past 20 minutes and it's clear I am trying to get away. It makes me feel powerless and frustrated at the time, kind of angry later. It's my time too and why should they keep me there, for the purposes of their own social satisfaction? Some day I will defy etiquette, and just turn my back and walk away from someone who is talking relentlessly to me. So there.

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