Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Numchuck Skills, Bow Hunting Skills...

So, do decisions made out of desperation still count? Are they like acts of passion, that you can get out of later by pleading temporary insanity? or like those tattoos that you get when you're blind drunk - 'yes, it was rash, but now I do have a permanent giant iguana tattooed across my face, and I will just have to live with it.'


Skills I would like to spend time improving:

Piano playing. I'd like to be good enough to sit down at random pianos in malls and just play something off the top of my head.
Tennis - at least understanding the rules and scoring for pete's sake.
Spanish competency. This is a laugh because I don't know any Spanish yet.
Drawing and painting.
Yoga and flexibility in general.
Dancing - the cool kind.
Science knowledge. Basic chemistry, math, and physics - all the stuff I learned in high school but didn't have the time and energy to appreciate back then, and now have forgotten.
Literature knowledge. I haven't read a lot of the classics.
Competency with babies and small, fretful children.

Skills I don't especially want to spend time practicing but I should:

Ice-skating - so I can keep up.
Real estate savoir-faire.
Knowledge of database, graphics and web design programs - bleah.
Relationship communication skills, probably.

What I really don't have these days:


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