Thursday, September 22, 2005

Binder Clips

Today I visited the U.S. Senate in Washington, D.C. The Hart building was my favorite - they have a beautiful airy atrium with a sort of Calderesque black sculpture in it, and all the hallways are open like little bridges crossing back and forth across the gulf of space. They're lined with plants, so there's greenery everywhere. I bet the senators fight over who gets to have an office in Hart. The other two buildings, Dirksen and Russell, are quite a bit more somber, with long dimly-lit hallways that look subterranean even when they're not.

I think I saw Cindy Sheehan, but I could be wrong.

I'm very tired now. I visited every single office in the whole Senate. My feet feel broken, they hurt so much. I'm glad it's over - and also inwardly feeling punchy because only I know that I walked around all day with binder clips holding up my underpants (the elastic broke).

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