Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The 100 Things

I read about a guy who decided to be spartan and whittle down his possessions to just 100 items. He spent several months getting rid of things - giving away furniture, donating clothes, throwing out paintings and other art projects he had done. His final list included mostly electronic gadgets and t-shirts. He had an iPod, cell phone, BlackBerry, laptop, DVD player, TV, etc. and associated chargers. He also used up 20 items in his quota just on shirts. His rule was that if anyone gave him a gift during the "Year of 100 Things," he would have to choose one thing to get rid of, or else regift what he had been given. Sounds tough!

I thought about what 100 things I'd choose. I'm always complaining that I live in the midst of clutter, overwhelmed by possessions, so the idea of having such a spare existence has its appeal. I'd draw the line at throwing away things I had created, though. At the end of the year, he can go out and buy back the stuff he's been missing, but he can never get back his artwork, and someday he might really regret that.

Here's my list, based mostly on the things I use every day:
1. contact lenses
2. glasses
3. underwear (He "cheated" and grouped a bunch of pairs as one item, so I'm doing that too. Don't think I would try to get through the whole year on one pair of underpants.)
4. bra
5-10. shirts
6-15. sweaters
16. jacket
17. socks
18. sneakers
19. dress shoes
20. winter coat
21. makeup
22. deodorant
23. comb
24-25. laptop and recharger
26. backpack
27. cooking pot
28. frying pan
29. mug
30. Brita pitcher
31. silverware
32. umbrella
33. car
34. knife (for kitchen use)
35. hair clips
36-37. cell phone and recharger
38. pillow
39. toothbrush
40. workout clothes
41. shorts
42. broom
43. dustpan
44. pens/pencils
45. notepad
46. mattress

That's all I can think of. I'm looking around the apartment and I don't see a single other thing that I use often that I would miss. Lots of stuff I use daily, like the stroller, but I think that counts in my kid's quota, not mine. And the microwave, but I think that's built in as part of the apartment. And I have photo albums and diaries and such, but they're at my parents' house. I think I could get by just on the list I have. I'm surprised to see some items in there, like the laptop that I've only had for a year or so - but already I really depend on it.

Simplicity rules!


Erin said...

Oh my gosh. I forgot pants. Where are my priorities??

Meg said...

Haha. You definitely need pants! It's amazing how much we can truly live without but think we need. Every time the electricity goes out I kick myself for being bored then quickly forget about the simple thing I was doing when it flicks back on.