Friday, October 13, 2006


One of the families in my building is always throwing away stuff - often pretty good stuff - in the recycling bin in the stairwell. I think they go through the kids' rooms and purge every weekend, because there are always kids' clothes, toys, and games in there on Monday mornings. Sometimes I pick the stuff out and save it to donate, because I can't stand to see it thrown away. There are household items like lamps, picture frames, drying racks, toasters, and books. Once I got a nice jigsaw puzzle. Last week there was a good laundry basket - the kind with mesh walls that folds flat. Then a few days ago, there was a big bag full of shoes, kids' shoes and women's shoes. The women's shoes are a half-size too big for me but I'm still keeping a few pairs (maybe I'll grow into them? That bunion gets bigger every day). They're barely worn at all. Now I don't have to go shoe-shopping!

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