Thursday, May 04, 2006

Two Days

Almost there. The past week has been rushed, and the past few days have really been a crunch-time. I had lots of stuff I was going to do in my lunch hour, last-minute wedding planning, and it just didn't happen because I didn't have a lunch hour. Hopefully I will accomplish a lot tomorrow. Well, even if I don't, all the major stuff is in place.

I'm so happy. I still don't really believe this is going to happen. All day I've had a TMBG song in my head, "These things happen to other people...", a line I've often thought of whenever something particularly wonderful and unlooked-for came my way. Marriage is one of those things that I always really hoped would happen for me, and was secretly afraid would not. I still shouldn't count those chickens. But barring major catastrophes, it looks like everything is good to go.

I'll write again when we get back from the honeymoon - end of May. Cheerio!

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