Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Four Days

So much to remember. My brain is racing. I'm fairly organized, and I have lots of help, like I said, but even so this wedding planning business is a challenge. I keep getting hit with flashes like "what about money in Australia? we have to remember to change funds before we go" and "who will pick up the appetizers?" and "need to mail directions to those four people" and "got to look at the proofs for the wedding programs" and "did I call to confirm the cake order?" and a million other things. I'm not the type to stress over trying to make the day perfect, either. If anything, I think I'm too lax - I keep saying "It'll be fine," and then my mom or someone says, "Yes. But we still need to make this decision." I think the stress is getting to the boy, too - I've seldom seen him so busy and worried. I look forward to being married and being able to just spend relaxed time with him again.


Sven said...

It sounds really exciting too. I assume the ceremony is Saturday, no? I'll be sure to toast you.

Sophia said...

Do we get to see pictures? (You know how women love pictures.) If you wish to remain anonymous, maybe you could cut your heads off. (I mean, photographically speaking.)

But seriously, the worst is almost over. Don't forget to enjoy the day. All the best!