Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Three Days

Lots of parties over the last week - I've eaten a lot of cake and said many thank yous, and the wedding hasn't even happened yet. I wasn't expecting everyone to be as generous and supportive as they all have been. Most of my friends are already married and I thought it would be old hat to them. And I thought people at work might even be grumpy about it, because they're not married, most of them, and sometimes it's hard to be happy about someone else's good situation when you're not there yourself. But that's just my bias speaking, assuming that everyone wants to be married, just because I've always wanted to. Perhaps it was ungenerous of me not to expect them to be so generous.

I'm nearly in the home stretch now. All I have to do is plow through the mountain of work on my last day before (nearly) a month off, and get through one final day of frantic shopping and cooking. Then - yippeeee!

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