Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I've finally reached an age where nearly all the athletes in the Olympics are younger than me, which seems incredible to me. I guess I have the rest of my life to get used to it. I guess for most people, watching the Olympics is a week of being astonished by the feats of youngsters. It's weird to be on the other side of it, though, looking back. I always felt in the back of my mind that it was natural for them to be stronger and faster and more amazing than me, because they were older (never mind that you have to start training around the time you're born, so by the time I was in elementary school I was probably already out of the running).

I still don't think I'll ever lose my wonder at what they're capable of. In fact, knowing how young they are might even enhance it for me - remembering where I was at age 19, or 22, and comparing it with where they are.

I really felt for a couple of the skaters last night who muffed their jumps. They looked so crushed afterwards, getting their marks. I don't think I'd want all the pressure and risk that comes with being a skater...but I wish I had speed-skater legs.

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