Friday, August 15, 2008


I just Googled myself, as I do from time to time, and was pleased to find that I'm still invisible to the all-seeing Eye of Google (like the Eye of Sauron, sweeping across the landscape). I don't have a Facebook page, and I don't show up on any alumni sites or even on my company's website, except on one obscure page that you have to be searching for in order to find. Anyone looking for me would have to conclude that I just vanished into thin air after graduation. I like that. Privacy is safety. I feel like I shed a lot of spam and baggage associated with my old life when I got married and changed my name, and so far the new one is clean and unknown to the spammers and stalkers of the world. I wish my daughter was as invisible as I am. Her name pops up on a few pages, unfortunately.

It's hard to articulate why I want to be invisible. It just seems better that way - as though, in a deep cool forest, I was walking without a trace, leaving no footprints, slipping through life untrackably.

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