Monday, May 19, 2008

I Wore Pajamas to Work

By mistake. My neighbor was getting rid of a big bag of clothes, so I rummaged through it and was pleased when I found a few things my size that I really liked - a few long-sleeved casual tops, a pair of drawstring pants I can wear for yoga, a white pullover, and even some shoes that fit. Everything looked like it was still new.

This morning I reached for the white pullover, which is long enough to go down over my hips and tight-fitting in the sleeves, and has little tiny nubbins all over it. It seemed like a perfect choice for a day that was unseasonably chilly, and it looked sharp with dark pants and dangly earrings. It wasn't until I got home that my husband took one look at me, laughed, and said, "You wore your pajamas to work!" I said, "What do you mean?" "Those are long johns," he said. "Of course they're not," I said. Then I went to look in the mirror. He's right, dang it.

Luckily no one at work looked at me funny or said anything. Maybe I got away with it?


calicat said...

hi erin, this post made me laugh, not AT you, it just made me think that is such a mom thing to do:)who knows, it may be the latest style and if not, it may become that:) this was a cute post!
Hope everything is going well with you and your family! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I was looking for a pitcher of you in those pjs....