Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Four Years Old

My blog's birthday was August 5 and I missed it. Four years old - how amazing! I haven't been writing much lately, for which I have lots of excuses... Want to hear?

1) Life is busy. There's so much work to be done around the new house. Unpacking, cleaning, organizing, yard work. Since we're starting from scratch getting the rooms in order, there's a kind of compulsion to do it perfectly - as in, don't just put the chair there, but take the chair apart and clean it and, after much hunting for the missing screws, reassemble it, all of which takes a while.

2) Life is rich. In my spare moments when I'm not looking for missing chair screws I have been reading like mad. It's because we finally have space for bookcases and I was able to bring over all my boxes of books from my parents' house, plus a friend lent me a bunch of her books. Reading is one of my absolute favorite things to do, and having one whole wall of the living room devoted to books is like being a chocoholic and living in a Cadbury factory. Because I am also a chocoholic, or at least borderline, lately I have been staying up until the wee hours combining these guilty pleasures. My waistline is bound to show the sad results soon.

3) Life is serene. I always write more when I'm upset about stuff. I wrote a lot when I was afraid my now-husband would never want to marry me, when I was trying to talk him into having kids, etc. Now, happily married with a beautiful toddler, I don't have any angst to pour out. I am finally in the warm place I've been striving for since I was a teenager. Alas for my readers (reader?), it doesn't make for interesting blog reading.

Anyway, that's why posts have been sparse. No worries, just happy.

1 comment:

Meg said...

I'm glad everything is going so well for you! Congrats on the blog birthday!