Monday, June 25, 2007


Our daughter was born on Sunday, June 17th!

She came out healthy, alert, and wide-eyed. I was on such a high after her birth that I stayed awake the whole first night nursing her and gazing at her in astonishment - just the two of us together all night getting to know one another. I haven't wanted to be parted from her ever since (nor have I slept much since!).

I thought I would enjoy motherhood, but I never expected to love her this fervently, to find myself settling into my new role so easily, or to whole-heartedly enjoy taking care of a little human so much. The whole thing is magical to me. I'm trying to absorb every aspect of the experience because I know it's fleeting - she changes so much even day by day - and I'm simultaneously enjoying it and mourning that it's so limited. She's only a week old and already I am dreading having to leave her and go back to work.

Perhaps it's just hormones talking again, but I feel like this is pretty much the happiest time in my life. I'm so glad my husband and I are sharing this time together.


calicat said...

oh erin, I am so very happy for you! CONGRATULATIONS to you and your husband, WOW! I am so glad everything turned out just fine! (I told you it would :) This is the beginning of the best thing that will ever happen to you!! It is only gonna get more fun and wonderful as time goes by. And even though it doesn't seem possible, as she grows, you will love her all the more, I know for me I feel as though I could busrt when I am watching lexie playing or she comes over for a hug or says ma-ma, it is so amazing and overwhelming!
I do have to say try not to miss one single moment, because the time will fly, I feel as though some months have fallen off the calender somewhere this past year, Lexie will be 1 next month, and I just can't fathom, I remember her birth as if it were yesterday. It in no way feels like 1 year ago we were bringing her home from the hospital! The time will go so quickly, CHERISH EVERY MOMENT and take LOTS of pictures:)
I don't know you, but I just know you are gonna make a terrific mom and this little girl is so blessed to have you and your husband as parents, you are gonna be great. I am so happy for you! Keep us posted as she is reaching all the milestones!
CONGRATS once again!!

Meg said...

YAY!!!! Congratulations!!!!